Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Julie H. & Adam J. - Seeing Each Other for the First Time

  Sometimes special moments can get lost in all the hustling and bustling  of the big day. So it is nice to separate those moments and capture them so that you will always remember them.
  One  of the memories that sometimes gets pushed aside is when the bride and groom see each other for the first time, especially as an LDS Bride. So to make the memory count and last, a lot of brides bring their grooms with them to their bridals. It is so fun to set everything up so that the moment is anticipated and then treasured.  The following images are of when Julie and Adam see each other for the first time. It was so cute and so sweet!!

1 comment:

Slade said...

That is a nice sequence of images. Well done. I like the genuine emotion, it comes through in the images. Awesome!