Monday, December 27, 2010

Cathy & Devin

I put this image or one just like it as the preview for the session, and I still love looking at it. It's such a fun moment between mother and daughter. I love their smiles.

There's something very special between mothers and their daughters. I saw it while photographing Cathy & Devin ... and I feel it every time I am around my cute mom. She's amazing and I feel such a bond with her that words fall short to describe.

Usually I'm photographing Moms with their new little babies at the beginning of their relationship, but this session I got to see a mother daughter relationship a littler father down the road, where the daughter is becoming herself and the Mom is loving her as she does and I LOVED IT. (need more cheese?)

Cathy and Devin, you two are wonderful as individuals and as Mother & Daughter!

To view and order images form this entire session click HERE

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