Sunday, January 30, 2011

Thelma- We love you and will miss you!

This is my Great Aunt Thelma.

I went to her funeral yesterday. She passed away after a very long and happy life.

I feel so lucky, because I'm not sure how close most people are to their great aunts, but me and my family are really close to ours. I have been so blessed by those relationships.

Thel was always so thoughtful of other people. She generously made handmade gifts for others- I remember the hair-bow she gave me for my baptism, it was made out of a laminated Dollar bill, and at age 8, I thought that was the coolest thing ever (I still do).

When she sent out cards for Birthdays and such, She'd always tape a dime inside the card. It made me smile when I opened the program for her funeral because her family had taped a dime inside each of them. :)

My heart aches for her children and their families. I hope they find comfort in knowing that families are forever.

I am so glad that I have this picture.

It reminds me of the meaning and purpose of why I do, what I do.

Thank you Aunt Thelma, for showing us all how to live a purpose filled live and the joy that comes from it.

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