Friday, January 7, 2011

2011- Let's get personal :)

That's right, it's 2011! In someways it really snuck up on me, but I welcome it with open arms. Don't get me wrong 2010 was great, I'm just excited for what adventures 2011 may hold.

I've been thinking about my goals for this year, because you're suppose to set goals, right? Isn't that what everyone does?

One of my goals is to make things more meaningful and more personal. Life is so precious, I just don't want it to pass me by. I love this quote and I can't remember where it came from, but a very in-tuned person said "I don't just want to live the length of my life, I want to live the width of it too".

I really want to take/make some time to do more personal work. Take a camera and go make images just for me. I always feel I know my heart better when I do.

Here are some image from our mountain adventure today to escape the crazy inversion in the Valley.

(They are scanned instant film from the cool christmas present my Awesome Hubby gave me. Thanks again sweetheart!)

I think this last one turned so blue because the temperature outside was freezing by then, which can affect how the color develops. I really like it though and Skyler just looks so good.

I love life's possibilities and I wish you all the Best this New Year!

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