Monday, January 3, 2011

Baby Harper

What better way to begin the New Year than with Baby Harper?

She's so absolutely darling and has such sweet sparkling blue eyes. Their home is one that is filled with lots of love and that is something that always inspires and warms my heart.

So thanks Kooring Family for letting me spend a wonderful afternoon with you.
And Sierra and Abi, thanks for being such good puppies.

To view and order Images form this entire session, click HERE


Whitney Hardie said...

Lindsey, I've got to say that your work just gets better and better!

I'm loving all the stuff you've done lately and I'm super proud of you for really developing your craft!

Lindsey Briggs said...

Thank you so much whitney. It means a lot coming from such wonderful photographer as yourself! I love reading your blog about living in New York! You're Christmas post was so touching. Thank you for sharing!