Monday, August 29, 2011

Greeted with Thunderstorms

When we arrived in Loveland about a month ago, we were greeted with fiercely beautiful Thunderstorms.

The lightening was unlike anything I had ever seen before. With out the mountains, you could see the storm for miles and miles. The night sky was flashing steel blue every few seconds and the cracking thunder rumbled for hours. I was both in awe and in fear of it. 
{and that's why these pictures are taken through my dirty bedroom window}

I felt so small and vulnerable, but yet I was captivated by the violent beauty. 

I had to take charlie dog outside, and I truly was the only person out there {maybe everyone else knew better}. I couldn't help but look up and see the clouds flash right above my head. There was an electricity that filled the air, mixed with the pouring rain, and I could feel it all around me. 

Magical is not quiet the right word to explain it, perhaps a better fit would be Divine.

It was a moment that feeds a hunger in your soul; a moment with a touch of divinity.

 Have you ever had one of those moment?

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