Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September- Month of Adventuring

{Yes, Skyler's a bit taller than me...}

September, has been a month of extreme adventuring and working. We've been running and gunning; and working hard and playing hard. And we're only half way through.

Can I just emphasis how much I love going on Adventures with Skyler? He's the best adventuring buddy in the world! We've been to South Dakota {very pretty}, back to Utah, and then off to Monterey and San Francisco in California. Plus my mom came and visited me here in Loveland for a few days {and if you know my mom you know how totally AWESOME she is!}. 

So that's the explanation for the short absence from blogging, we've been living life. But don't worry, I have tons of images I am excited to post, and "Pre-blogging" is on my To Do List, so the blog won't feel so lonely.

I'm back now for a little bit before I run off again to shoot weddings and such, 

and I loved that it felt like home when I got back to Loveland.

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