Monday, October 31, 2011

Korczak : Crazy Horse Memorial


{pretty much this is what I think Skyler and I will look like when we're their age.} 

Korczak Kiolkowski "Story Teller in Stone"

is a Man and an Artist to be admired.

As uninspired as I was by Mount Rushmore, I found something that spoke to me at Crazy Horse Memorial. 

I learned the story of an artist whose vision was greater than himself. His dream was so grand, it carries on into generations. He, alone and undaunted, shaped a mountain, piece by piece.

I thought a lot about the unearthly amount of dedication he had. One is awestruck considering what he accomplished in his lifetime, and how others now embrace his dreams as their own.

I wondered if I am capable of that kind of grand dreaming and colossal dedication. 

Korczak often quoted this:

When the legends die,
the dreams end;
and when the dreams end,
there is no more greatness.

I have one dream that will not end. It is the dream passed to me by parents, and the dream I hope to pass to my children. 

He wrote a letter to his children before he passed away. I love so much of what he says, for there is truth in it.

To my children:

    Life at its very best is a fleeting thing. It can be likened to a wisp of a cloud that comes up out of the horizon—from where we know not—and as it draws near, it becomes full of embodiment, so much so that it can be evil enough to cloud the sun and make darkness—or, by the same token, it can be beautiful and give shade....

     You can, with your own lives, either darken the sun and make things unhappy after you—or you can create a lovely haven of shade for your family, your friends, and for those who will follow you.

     For 39 years of my life I sought for something wherein I wished to dedicate my life. As you read this, you know, of course, that I am no longer with you in body; nor do I wish to place a burden upon you without it being done with your consent. But once you take up the burden, do not lay it down, even though at times your friends will tell you that you are wrong. For you will not be wrong. No one is ever wrong who desires to do that which is not required of them to do—and that which is of a noble purpose. The purpose of Crazy Horse is noble.

     There are many people who do not see its nobility at present, [or will] even in your own time—and maybe even in your children’s time. The vision of Crazy Horse may be clouded to some people; but if you wish to dedicate your life as to carry out my dreams— and, I can now say, your mother’s dreams, too—they will then also be your dreams some day. You will find in the darkest hours a feeling of great strength, of great satisfaction, of great joy and happiness in carrying out even the mundane tasks that go toward living for something far greater than yourselves.

— Korczak Ziolkowski, Sc.
Feb. 19, 1952

All I can say is Amen Korczak, Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your photos and quotes from Crazy Horse Memorial. It's a fantastic place. Beautiful photos that you took.

Thank you!
Katlyn Richter
South Dakota Dept. Tourism
Facebook - South Dakota Tourism