Friday, February 10, 2012

Our Furry Ragamuffin Puppy (pre-today's haircut)

Our Ragamuffin Puppy is getting his haircut today.

It's sad but it's time.

How do I know it's time? The Demand for vacuuming has increased dramatically, and yesterday when I took the pup out to play in the snow he couldn't see the snowballs i was throwing for him.

Skyler jokes that he feels like he has two different dogs. One soft and cuddly shaggy dog, and One short haired wildly playful dog. And it's very true.

So with a little bit of sadness, I took my time enjoying the finally hours of our soft and cuddly puppy. 

I love his wild red curls and soft blonde face, even his beady-goatee makes me laugh. And funnily enough, I find myself wondering if my children will ever have hair as pretty as Charlie's. :) 

So goodbye Shaggy Puppy, we'll see you in 3-4 months

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